Northwest High School Hockey

Northwest Ice Hockey 2024-2025 season



Welcome to the Register 2024 Fall Registration with Northwest Ice Hockey!

This registration session will allow you to complete contact information, sign up for participation, and submit payment. Please read through each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately. To complete registration through our secure site, please have your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or checking account information available.  Following the completion of this registration, you will see a charge on your account from REG.NGIN.COM

USA Hockey Requirement

Each Player must register first with USA Hockey and then return to this Registration Session to signup for the 2023-2024 Season.

  • Step 1:  CLICK HERE to go to USA Hockey Registration and register your player(s). Be sure to PRINT and SAVE their confirmation code(s). Remember to register EACH of your players with USA Hockey. Each player must have their own unique USA Hockey confirmation number.
  • Step 2:  Return to this registration and proceed. Later in this registration session you will need to enter the USA Hockey Confirmation Code that you received in Step 1.


Please direct any questions regarding this registration to:

Natasha Sullivan


Phone: 3144718041